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Babywearing Groups in the US

In the US, babywearing has become more mainstream in recent years, but largely remains a niche group where the folklore and traditions of the practice are passed from parent to parent through local, national, and global babywearing groups. Many of these groups have active social media presences, and many also maintain active meetups, skills classes, and even lending libraries where interested parents can borrow a specific style of carrier for a period of time to practice and ensure it's a good fit for them before making the investment to purchase one. 


Within these groups there is also usually a very clear sense of shared traditions, values, and beliefs that are shared amongst members. These values and traditions often parallell those found within attachment parenting practice, which emphasizes fostering a strong emotional bond between parent and child through physical closeness, responsiveness, and meeting the child's needs for security, warmth, and nurturing care. These shared philosophies and values are passed from veteran babywearers to newbies through the online forums and meetups that provide a place for both babywearing instruction and general parenting advice. In this manner, the material artifacts and practice of babywearing also serves as a conduit for the transmission of cultural identity, tradition, and the fundamental human experiences of birth and childrearing. 

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